Parking can now provide a secured retirement plan!
No matter what age group we belong to, we all have plans for our future where we want to live in a place which is secured, beautiful and takes care of all our requirements. One such aspiration is to spend some quality relaxed time free from the everyday’s speedy life and enjoy the day after retirement.
Now you must be thinking how come parking fits in the picture. Well as matter of fact it fits in really well and has offers monetary benefits. In today’s age, we all live in houses or apartments of our own and have guarded parking areasassociated with these. The other thing we also do is not use that dedicated section to the desired extent.
The situation is that when our elderly guides plan to take a break and reap the benefits of all the hard work done, sitting idle throughout the day was not they were expecting. They have been working all these years and some task or the other is required which still gives them the feeling that the wisdom they have gained all these years can be applied and if that becomes a source of income, then why not work on it.
Now let’s relate the two and see what the best that we can do. The underused as well as the perfect parking spaces available can be put on rent to earn some extra rupees which will be best managed by the residents who stays at home for a longer part of the day. Yes, you now got it right, the senior citizens.
The available areas can be listed with YoParker and the bookings for the parking space will be done using the website of the service provider or the mobile appand the registered owner will get the details of the time and duration for which the parking space has been reserved. This income which the registered owners receive can serve as a retirement plan back up which keeps our elder’s engaged, motivated and obviously, they are earning out of it on a regular basis.
Happy parking to you!
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